Remember my last post when i said i'll be attending the City Celebrations 2010,
which is a series of concerts held to commemorate the start of YOG?
And i had such an AWESOME time at the 1st concert, saw Electrico our homegrown local band, Kpop band 4Minutes & BEAST.
I'd like to thank the main sponsers of YOG, Samsung who went all out to get these very exclusive VVIP tickets for me! LOVE YOU SAMSUNG!!!

Outfit of The Day:
Flutter sleeve chiffon dress + cutout belt from TheBlogShop,
paired with black leggings and pumps!
Lol, met up with Ruiting (aka lovelivfe) to go to the City Celebrations concert, told me to take MRT to Marina Bay then take bus 402 to Marina Promontory.
In the end we got FREAKING LOST! Ended up at Marina South Pier instead, even Ruiting's iphone map says we're at the very end of Singapore. So i go on to find directions from Marina South Pier to Marina Promontory, Guess what's the search result?! told me to "Don't be lazy, It's just a short distance away, just walk!"
WTF?! It's not near at all! Luckily for us we got a cab after waiting for 5-10mins. never even give us a map for directions to walk there after that stupid useless comment!

Happy that we finally found our way to The Promontory,
Everyone was in such a high mode, since the kpop bands are starting their performances in an hour's time!
Hehehe, we're super lucky the other bloggers have been there since 4-5pm to
"chope seats" and there were two extra seats so we took it, just 3 rows from the stage ok! :D

Our local band Electrico! I still miss it when Amanda Ling was in the band!

Super fun time with the other bloggers + Noel who cracked super lame jokes all night!

Ready for the 5 super cute/hot girls from South Korea?

All of us were going maaaaaad with excitement standing up
and getting as near as the stage as possible!
The fans behind the VVIP seats are going NUTS and started screaming and a stream of profanity directed at us!
Omg concert what.. Should be damn high and jumping around why must sit down! so sad. ):

Omg i think i'm having a girl crush on 4Minute's Ji Yoon.
She's mad cute! I've been stuck watching 4minute's MV's the entire week,
Ji Yoon is sooooo charismatic! Ahhh, love her short hair.
Makes me wanna go chop mine off.
Had a short interview with the girls from 4Minutes, it was SoHyun's birthday
and the crowd sang Happy Birthday to SoHyun in both English AND Korean!
Seng il chook ha hamni da!
Seng il chook ha hamni da!
Sa rang ha nuen SOHYUNNNNNN....
Seng il chook ha hamni da!!
(Happy birthday song in Korean)

I was gonna wear wedges but it's kinda hard to walk cos my leggings made it so slippery..
So i changed into flats and my mum was like, "yeah.. that's the way mar..
if not how to jump jump jump and shout: ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE!"
Lol, my mum must be a fan girl in her time.
And of cos we all shouted ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE!!
Can't have enough of their energy and cuteness.

Then it's finally.. BEAAAAAAAAST!!!!

Seriously, Everyone went MAD. Literally MAD with a capital M-A-D.


After dancing & singing for 4 songs, they were all perspiring like crazy.
Better still, One of the members even took off his blazer, woohooo. Feast for us ladies!
Kudos to the high energy, jumping around dancing with 100%!

It was so exciting i find myself snapping away the whole night,
like 80% of that 2 hours i was viewing the concert on my camera displayscreen snapping photos!

Dirtied my chiffon dress! So sad, hopefully mummy can get the stains off. ):
After that night i was swept into the K POP craze,
Ahhhhh, i wanna see more of the other K pop bands!!!!
Thanks Samsung for the VVIP tickets once again! (:
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